Toyota of Clermont's DIY Auto Body Repair Guide

Between all the construction, other drivers, and everything else that finds its way onto the road, driving can be pretty hazardous. Apart from the threat of getting into an accident, your car suffers a lot of physical damage day in and day out as you make your way to your various destinations. Come to think of it, your car is also in danger when it's parked (cue shopping carts). While damage to the exterior usually doesn't hinder the operation of your Clermont Toyota car, it still makes an eye-sore out of your car and that's just as bad as having a car that won't work (perhaps we're exaggerating a bit). Before you pull up to the body shop for an expensive auto body repair job, check out this guide from Toyota of Clermont of different body work you can do yourself.

Toyota of Clermont auto body repair tips.

Auto Body Repair Courtesy of You
While it seems intimidating and error-prone, there are some auto body repair jobs that are actually very easy to do, even from your own driveway. Body shops can be expensive and you don't want to drive around in an eye-sore so here are a few projects you can do on your Clermont Toyota car:

1) Scratch Repair

Scratches are the type of blemishes that seem to multiply the more and more you look for them on your car (it's sort of like eating pasta). To get started on this auto body repair job, make sure to be patient and inspect the scratches you want to repair for their depth. If a scratch appears white, it likely scratched through the paint and clear coat and needs to be filled. Use the right scratch material, use a paint code matched touch-up paint, and sand carefully. After the scratch has begun to fade on your Clermont Toyota car, use wax to get the spot back to its smooth and shiny self. 

2) Dents

When it comes to fixing a dent as an auto body repair job, you may not want to use the boiling water trick (no matter how many success stories there are on YouTube). Carefully inspect the dents for depth. If they're more on the shallow side, you could most likely get away with using a simple suction cup tool. For deeper dents, you'll likely need this and some touch-up paint. Be patient during the process to avoid damaging your Clermont Toyota car's exterior further. 

3) Broken Lights (Assemblies and Lights)

Wiring and light bulbs sounds like a shocking mix, but rest assured, this auto body repair job is easy and inexpensive. Before getting started, make sure your vehicle is turned off and no electrical parts are operating. Also, make sure to put painter's tape on the areas surrounding the head or taillight. This will keep you from scratching the paint and making more work for yourself. Next, find and remove the light bulb and all bolts/screws holding the light assembly in place. Reattach the assembly, replace the light bulb if need be, and remove your tape. If you need a replacement light assembly for this auto body repair job, our Toyota of Clermont parts store can help you out!

If you need help getting started on your DIY auto body repair journey, we're here to help! Visit Toyota of Clermont today or give us a call at (352) 404 - 7000 with any questions. 
