Have you ever had your car battery die on you? It's a pretty awful feeling - you go to turn the key in the ignition and you get nothing. A dead car battery can leave you stranded and also force you to spend money to remedy the issue. If you stick to a routine car service schedule, it should be pretty easy for our Clermont Toyota service techs to tell you when you're due for a new battery. However, things pop up in between service appointments - and that's why you should also know how to prevent six of the most common reasons your car battery dies.
Six reasons your car battery could die on you
Reason #1: Your battery is just old. Your battery - like any other car part - won't last forever. The typical car battery life is 2-3 years. However, factors like a bad alternator, extreme weather, etc. can take a toll on your battery and shorten its life. Stay on top of routine battery service and our techs can let you know when you're due for a replacement.
Reason #2: Your alternator is on its way out. Your alternator plays a very important role in your car battery's performance - it charges the battery while you drive. If the alternator is going bad, it won't charge your car battery while the vehicle is in motion and as such, your car battery will likely drain. If you notice any issues with starting your car, have our Clermont Toyota car care techs take a look under the hood at the alternator.
Reason #3: There's a parasitic draw. A parasitic draw is when something in the car is draining power from the battery. If you recall, the alternator charges the car battery while the car is being driven. However, when the car is off, nothing is charging the car battery. If a light is left on, it can cause a parasitic draw - the light will pull energy from the car battery and slowly drain it. Be sure to turn all of your interior and exterior lights off when you exit your car, and make sure all of your car doors are closed properly.
Reason #4: Your battery connections are bad. Over time, the motion from the car can jostle the car battery connections loose. They can also get corroded and dirty. Both issues can prevent your car battery from doing its job, which means you won't be able to start it without issue. Make sure you keep an eye on the connections and keep them clean, and have our service techs inspect them whenever you bring your car in for maintenance at Toyota of Clermont.
Reason #5: You're facing extreme temperatures. Did you know that extreme heat or extreme cold can damage your car battery over time? Extreme temperatures take a toll on your battery, weakening it. If you live in an area where extreme temperatures are common, take precautions for your battery and get it routine maintenance.
Reason #6: Your commute is too short. The alternator needs your car to be driving for it to properly charge the car battery. However, if you consistently drive short distances, it doesn't give your alternator enough time to charge your car battery. If your commute isn't long, be sure to take your car for a longer drive routinely to let your alternator do its thing.
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